09.12.2007, 22:48 | #1 |
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Тест! На кого из героев One Piece вы похожи
Нашел вот этот тест
Какой из героев One Piece походит на вас по характеру, привычкам, в любви и т.п. Тест на английском, так что для тех, кто что-то не поймет, я сделал его перевод на русский. Перевод теста:
Мой тип: Луффи Луффи Результат: Вы - забавный и простой, но когда дело касается любви и друзей, Вы не колеблетесь! Зоро Результат: Сильный, спокойный тип. Вы относитесь к любви серьезно. Никаких игр. Нами Результат: Вы плохой или хороший? Вам будет забавно, когда люди попытаются выяснить это. Санджи Результат: Вы - стильный, чувствительный, и Вы сделаете все ради любви. Чоппер Результат: Вы милый, Вы приятный, и Вы просто хотите быть любимы. Робин Результат: Вы спокойный, таинственный, и Вы любите держать всех в неведении. Шанкс Результат: Вы простоватый и игривый. Даешь вечеринку, пижон! P.S. Также советую пройти эти тесты.
. Если хотите поддержать сайт и переводы: Сбербанк: 5469 6700 1677 5739 Юмани: 410014625700780 Бусти: https://boosty.to/vertsama Последний раз редактировалось Верт; 19.07.2008 в 18:17 |
Эти 23 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили Верт за это полезное сообщение: | AlexDein (28.02.2011), AmiFox9 (07.03.2012), Cj-Fawks (24.04.2009), dikskn (15.11.2010), flamy (20.08.2011), holocast (16.12.2010), I'm Love One Piece (15.06.2011), Iriska (11.11.2011), Korean (18.04.2014), KPOBOCOC (05.03.2011), Krispi* (28.07.2010), Lilit (08.02.2009), Major Mew (25.07.2012), Mugi-chan (03.10.2011), Rino (22.03.2009), river blue (27.11.2008), Sayori (30.07.2009), SMOKEGUN (09.08.2010), tiki-mik (07.10.2010), Луиза-тян (16.07.2011), Мао (29.02.2012), ПрЫнц (19.02.2011), Туон (02.01.2012) |
17.02.2011, 22:57 | #661 |
Регистрация: 17.02.2011
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Шанкс тоже ...) мда ток на деле вечеринки я не люблю эт враньё)
Хммм... повторно ответил))) вроде тоже самое писал попал чёппер) Спустя 8 тестов... Скажу 1 на мой результат 50-50 ))) так как записал ответы всегда выдаётся или Чёпер или Шанкс по очереди. Последний раз редактировалось ArmaG; 17.02.2011 в 23:48 |
23.02.2011, 23:33 | #662 |
Регистрация: 18.10.2010
Адрес: Там где кончается асфальт
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Ватя-тя-ть!хД йа ЗОРО )
<img src="http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/sylphiel32/1044490350_t-zoro.jpg"><br /><font face="arial" size=2>You are: Zoro-type.<br /><br />Analysis:<br /><br />You are concerned with your image and how others perceive you. You are busy concentrating on being the best at whatever you do, and this has led you to ignore emotional issues altogether. You are often uncomfortable with your feelings for others. This can lead to frustration with yourself and confusion in your relationships, especially with those who find it easier to communicate than you do.<br /><br />You ultimately feel that you need to hold yourself back from being involved with other people. The problem is that the more you supress your true self, you're becoming a ticking time-bomb of pastelly-painted OOC emotions. If this happens, you will scare people by groping others or doing the tango. Prevent the inevitable by letting out your feelings out a little at a time. Laugh a little, cry a little. Tell a couple secrets. You're not as scary as you think you are.<br /><br />Warning: As doujinshi Zoro, you need your own personal space. If your personal space is invaded, perhaps by a well-meaning Luffy-type who just wants to take a bath together, you may exhibit outbursts or strange and disturbing behavior, including bleeding of the nose and discomfort in the haramaki. Please keep your urges in check by taking a break every now and then and staying close to a Nami-type for safety. In some cases, we would all rather you kept your loveable sexual repression. Thank you. <br /><br />You are most compatible with: a Luffy-type who will take your love very seriously. You are also kind of sexually repressed, a Nico-type could help you um, deal with your hangups.<br /><br />Advice: Know thyself.</font></p> |
24.02.2011, 18:19 | #663 |
Регистрация: 14.09.2010
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You are: Chopper-type. Analysis: You feel a craving for love, affection, and attention. However, for some reason, you.are so convinced that you're unlovable that you try to shut others out. This confuses people around you, because, guess what? You're just about the cutest thing since the Easter Bunny and the sweetest thing since C&H. For some reason everyone knows it but you. People love your kindness and your willingness to care for others. Why not let them return the favor sometime? You are very innocent and shy. Sex is not as important to you as friendship and affection in general, and ultimately you find snuggling up with a loved one the most fulfilling of any activity. You love having attention and care, for instance, having your hair brushed, your nails done, or being bathed. Little things like that become very intimate and meaningful to you. As well they should be-- it's hard to earn your trust, and if you let someone close enough to you to clean your ears with one of those little poky sticks it says a lot about how you feel for them. You are most compatible with: A Luffy-type has the same sort of feelings about friendship and love being the same as you. A Sanji-type would give you all the love and attention you crave, too.. Advice: Let someone make you their little teddy bear.
24.02.2011, 18:20 | #664 |
Регистрация: 23.02.2011
Адрес: город элиста
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хах....я похож на луффи
28.02.2011, 14:15 | #665 |
Регистрация: 17.01.2009
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Я Нико Робин:)
P.S. не знаю писал ли кто либо это до меня но это тест о том кто вы в в любви из One Piece, поэтому так много вопросов про отношения и любовь. И еще одно 9 вопрос "you in same-sex relationship" переводится немного иначе... Он о вашем отношении к однополой любви... |
28.02.2011, 16:00 | #666 |
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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мой тип Зоро=))) походу поэтому я его обожаю!!!
05.03.2011, 17:45 | #667 |
Регистрация: 18.02.2011
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Your Result
You are: Sanji-type. Analysis: Extremely romantic, tenderhearted, and chivarous, you are in love with being in love. Simply put, you feel the need to shower someone with your attention and emotions. Why is that? Probably because you want to be loved yourself. You are such a giving soul that it's against your nature to ask for things in return. You are loving others the way you would like to be loved. Unfortunately, you are so attentive and doting that it will be hard to find someone who will be able to reciprocate in the same way. This leads to a general pining away for someone who doesn't return your affections. When this happens, you are given to bouts of depression or melancholy sighing and laying around on the kitchen floor. You have another side, though. With the right person, you can be very sly and seductive. Usually this tends to be a person who doesn't quite get what you're up to. This gives you the upper hand for once and that makes you a tangy force to be reckoned with. Your perseverance will pay off someday, don't worry. You're like the heart-eyed bullet train of love and there's no stopping you. Caution: As doujinshi Sanji, you may be prone to sexually harassing Zoro-types or Luffy-types to take out your frustration with the unresponsive Nami-type. Please concentrate your energies on cooking and cleaning, and make sure you have plenty of cigarettes. If you were to run out, your libido will run wild, causing you to moan and whine and lay all over the floor with your shirt undone, even more than usual. Your face and hair may become more feminine and you will be in danger of being uked. Repeatedly. And by everyone. And I mean everyone. Please use extreme caution at all times. You are most compatible with: Another Sanji-type would give back to you as you give to them, but for some real fun, go after a stoic, repressed Zoro-type and watch the sparks fly. Advice: Pick up a new hobby, like music. You can serenade your honey with a sexy siren song. |
05.03.2011, 19:46 | #668 |
Регистрация: 27.02.2011
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ну в принципе правильно, но думаю во мне больше Зоро чем Санджи хД |
05.03.2011, 23:50 | #669 |
Регистрация: 05.03.2011
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Зоро....Тест все таки)))
Меня друзья выбирают - Хэнкок Типа я хладнокровная, нелюбящая к мужчинам, а если я влюбилась, то я не показываю ему свои чувства бгаг))) |
06.03.2011, 00:48 | #670 |
Регистрация: 27.02.2011
Адрес: Гдето в Украине.
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Я Санжи
А когда второй раз проходил я Луффи=).Вот Мне рвись теперь.Тест на английском пришлось подумать..
Жизнь такая весёлая! когда весело... |