Регистрация: 23.07.2011
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Никанон и нибэк пановаму кодексу!1! Это был осколок Найтбрингера. =)
Смотри я вот только что со Спейсбаттла. Там сравнивают Балора и Кровожада. И выигрывает Балор пока.
Star-forged metal struck iron-shod bone with a thunderous crack. Sword and axe crossed one another, throwing out fans of sparks. The daemon was fast, quicker than Sanguinius expected, twisting the weapon and reversing the swing. The axe slashed low, cutting through the ground toward his legs.
The Angel vaulted backwards into the air and spread his wings, sails of white feathers crackling as he spun about his axis, dancing out of range of the blow. He turned the red blade in his grip, and with martial grace traced the tip across the beast's howling face. It cut deep.
The primarch landed solidly, but gave Ka'Bandha no time to recover. He intended to keep his promise. The Angel bolted forwards, but the daemon was ready for him. The brassy whip shrieked tearing through the air toward is torso. Sanguinius's wings snapped close to his shoulders and he ducked low, the barbed lashes passing over his head. Still moving, still leading with his sword, he jabbed wide, forcing the bestial warlord into defense.
Ka'Bandha roared and refused to sway, instead bringing the axe up to parry each probing attack, giving the Angel no point of entry past his guard. They were in the heart of the melee now, the battle around them screaming full-throated as lesser daemons -- the harriers, devil-dogs, and ravagers -- fought legionaries, Dreadnoughts, and Terminators.
Sanguinius's innate agility gave him an edge against the Bloodthirster's raw brutal power, but they were well matched and by turns scored small, significant wounds upon each other. Feathers caught by the snap of the axe fell away from the angel's wings as they circled and charged one another.
With a thunderous bellow, Ka'Bandha reeled back and threw out a blow with his whip, the fanked tips cracking as they arced toward the primarch's face. Sanguinius pivoted, faster than thought, and caught the barbs in his free hand. The lash withered as if it were a living thing, coiling around his wrist, cracking the ceramite sheath of his gauntlet.
He gave a violent tug and pulled the daemon off balance, leading a hammer-blow punch with the pommel of his blade that shattered tusks and drew torrents of Ka'Bandha's black blood.
The beast stumbled backwards, at first hissing, then laughing 'You fight well,' it said, spitting out broken teeth. 'No emphemeral has ever cut me before. But I cannot be bested. Why do you try? Join us instead! You are a creature of blood as much as I am...You already walk the scarlet path, little angel, we both know it. Come witness Khorne's full glory, embrace what lies within you. You could be so exalted, a champion.'
Sanguinius sneered. 'First the other one, now you. Are all your kind so in love with the sounds of your own voice?' He slashed at the creature, knocking it back, drawing an angery yowl.
'A curse on you, then!' spat the daemonic warlord. 'If you refuse my offer, then know this: I will destroy all that you hold dear and plague your sons for as long as your Legion exists!'
'That is no threat,' said the primarch, 'My sons will always be ready to kill your kind, until the death if the last star in the heavens!'
Ka'Bandha gave a wordless shout of anger, shouldering aside a stalled Rhino, flipping the armored transport onto its roof. He exploded towards the Angel, howling like a banshee.
Ka'Bandha came at him, arms wide, intent to flatten him into dust. The Angle closed the gate on all other thoughts and threw himself into the air, letting his wings unfurl. He easily avoided the daemon-lord's wild assault, but only for a moment. The beast had wings of its own, and they were opened in kind, beating a clarion as black as smoke swirled around them.
It came up after him, and they collided, brass and bronze clashing with gold and ceramite. Sanguinius raked his weapon across the creature's chest, cutting deeply. he hacked at Ka'Bandha's wrist-guard, forcing the daemon to lose its grip on the bone-axe.
They twisted in mid-flight, raining blows upon one another, each punch landing with enough kinetic force to send out thunder-cracks of displaced air. Sanguinius felt armor that had weathered a thousand wars fracture and split beneath the deadly impacts of the daemon warlord's strikes. Ka'Bandha's foetid maw opened wide and snapped at his face, hellish eyes bereft of all but fury and bloodlust boring into him.
The combatants were spinning back toward the ground now, falling uncontrolled towards the raging battle below. Gravity had them in its grasp, and even the Angel's might wings could not arrest the plunge.
Instead, he gave in to it. With a growl of effort, Sanguinius pulled on the chains of Ka'Bandha's thick throat and closed the distance between them. Before the daemon could react, he had buried the full length of his sword in its chest.
With strenght borne of pain, the creature swatted him away and they parted company a split-second before striking the ground.
It was Angel who stood first. Bloody and panting, he rose and drew up his sword, even as Ka'Bandha writhed in the mud, barking out sounds of frenzied agony.
He advanced, raising the red blade to find the killing blow.
Drizzt and Bruenor quickly came to understand the absolutely unfavorable conditions in which they had
met Errtu. The fiend's fires raged, turning the ice cave into a sloshing quagmire. Huge blocks fell from the
ceiling, forcing the friends to dodge and twist, the cold water weighing them down.
Even worse, whenever the great balor moved away from the pair, taking away his fiendish heat, the
water began to refreeze about Drizzt and Bruenor, slowing them.
Throughout the ordeal, they heard the taunting laughter of the mighty Errtu.
"What torment awaits you, Drizzt Do'Urden!" the fiend bellowed.
Drizzt heard the sudden splash behind him, felt the suddenly intense heat, and knew that the fiend had
used his magic, had teleported to arrive right behind the drow. Drizzt started to turn, was quick enough to
dodge, but the fiend merely stuck his lightning sword into the water behind the drow, and the energy
released from the blade jolted Drizzt's every muscle.
Drizzt spun, gritted his teeth to prevent himself from biting off his own tongue. Around came Twinkle, a
perfect parry, catching Errtu's second attack in mid-swing.
The fiend laughed all the louder as his devilish blade released another jolt, a burst of electrical energy that
rushed through Drizzt's scimitar and into the drow, coursing down his body and popping his knees so
painfully that he lost his balance and nearly lost consciousness.
He heard Bruenor's roar, and the sloshing as the dwarf pounded his way toward him. The dwarf couldn't
get there in time, Drizzt realized. Errtu's sudden assault had beaten him.
But suddenly, the fiend was gone, simply gone. It took Drizzt only a moment to understand; Errtu was
playing with them! The fiend had waited all these years to exact revenge on Drizzt, and now the wicked
balor was truly enjoying himself.
Bruenor skidded by as Drizzt regained his footing. The pair heard the sound of Errtu's taunting laughter
once more, from across the way.
"Beware, for the fiend can appear wherever he chooses," Drizzt warned, and even as he spoke the
words, he heard the crack of a whip and the cry of the dwarf. Drizzt spun about as Bruenor was tugged
from his feet.
"Ye don't say?" the dwarf asked, scrambling furiously to get himself in line for a strike as Errtu jerked
him backward, away from Drizzt.
Bruenor realized the depth of his troubles then, for in looking back, he saw a wall of fire looming before
him, sizzling and sputtering as it turned the ice to steam. Behind it stood Errtu reeling him in with the whip,
grinning wickedly.
Drizzt felt the strength drain from his body; he knew how Errtu meant to torment him now. Bruenor was
Bruenor struggled with all his might. He grabbed on to the remaining stump of one destroyed stalagmite,
but the icy thing was too slick for him to get a firm hold. It wouldn't have helped anyway, not with
Errtu-so huge and strong-pulling against him. The dwarf howled in pain as his feet went into the fiendish
Drizzt scrambled so fast that his feet slipped out from under him. He kept moving, though, churning his
knees, banging them hard. The drow hardly cared for his pain. Bruenor needed him, that was all that
mattered. He rushed with all speed, found a proper foothold amidst the quagmire, and shoved off, diving
straight out, his arm extended and holding straight the ice-forged scimitar, sliding its curving blade right
beside his friend.
In that area, Errtu's fires were extinguished, put out by the magic of the scimitar.
Both friends tried to rise, and both were blasted back to the wet ground as the balor plunged his
lightning sword into the watery ice, taunting them all the while.
"Yes, a reprieve!" the fiend bellowed. "Well done, Drizzt Do'Urden, foolish drow. You have extended
my pleasure, and for that-"
The fiend's sentence ended with a grunt as Guenhwyvar soared in, slamming Errtu hard, knocking him
off-balance on the slick floor.
Drizzt was up and charging. Bruenor worked fast to untangle himself from the binding thongs of the
fiend's whip. And Guenhwyvar raked wildly, biting and clawing.
Errtu knew the cat, had faced Guenhwyvar on that same occasion when Drizzt had banished him, and
the balor felt the fool for not anticipating that the animal would soon arrive.
No matter, though, Errtu reasoned, and with a huge shrug of powerful muscles, the fiend launched the
cat away.
In came Drizzt, his hungry scimitar thrusting for the fiend's belly.
Errtu's lightning sword swiped down in a parry, and that, too, was an attack, as the energy coursed from weapon to weapon, and subsequently into Drizzt, hurling him backward.
Bruenor was in fast and the dwarf's axe chopped hard into Errtu's leg. The fiend roared and swatted the
dwarf, and Bruenor flew backwards. Out came the fiend's leathery wings, up he rose, above the reach of
the mighty friends. Guenhwyvar leaped again, but Errtu caught her in mid-flight, locked her with a
telekinesis spell, as the glabrezu had done with Catti-brie.
Still, for Drizzt and Bruenor, shaking off their earlier wounds, Guenhwyvar was helping, was keeping the
fiend's considerable magical energies engaged.
"Let my father go!" Drizzt cried out.
Errtu laughed at him, and the reprieve was at its end. Errtu's spell hurled the panther aside, and the fiend
came on in all his wrath
The earthquake on the iceberg brought a temporary halt to the fighting within the cave, a temporary
reprieve for those being badly beaten by the powerful tanar'ri. But poor Bruenor, standing by the cave
wall, fell down as a wide crack opened at his feet. Though the break wasn't very deep, barely to
Bruenor's waist, when the shaking ended, the dwarf found himself wedged in tightly.
The loss of Crenshinibon did nothing to diminish Errtu's powers, and the obvious fall of the tower only heightened the balor's rage.
Guenhwyvar came flying back in at him, but the fiend skewered the cat in mid-flight with his mighty
sword, holding Guenhwyvar aloft with one powerful hand.
Drizzt, on his knees in the slush, could only watch in horror as Errtu calmly stalked in, as the panther
twitched and tried futilely to free herself, growling with agony.
It was over, Drizzt knew. All of it had come to a sudden, crashing end. He could not win out. He wished
that Guenhwyvar could get off of that sword-if she did, Drizzt would send her over to Bruenor and then
dismiss her. Hopefully she would take the dwarf with her to the relative safety of her astral home.
But that couldn't happen. Guenhwyvar twitched again and slumped, and then dissipated into gray smoke,
her corporeal form defeated and sent away from the Prime Material Plane.
Drizzt pulled out the figurine. He knew that he could not recall the cat, not for some days. He heard the
hiss as the fiend's fires neared him and were extinguished by his trusty blade, and he looked from the
figurine to grinning Errtu, towering over him, barely five feet away.
"Are you ready to die, Drizzt Do'Urden?" the fiend asked. "Your father can see us, you know, and how
pained he is that you will die slowly before me!"
Drizzt didn't doubt the words, and his rage came up in full. But it wouldn't help him, not this time. He
was cold, weary, filled with sorrow, and defeated. He knew that.
"And what a fine pet your cat will make for me," Errtu teased.
"Never," the drow growled, and purely on impulse, Drizzt threw the figurine with all his might, back
through the cave entrance. He didn't hear the splash, but he was confident that he had heaved it far
enough to reach the sea.
"Well done, me friend," a grim Bruenor said from the side.
Errtu's grin became a grimace of outrage. Up came the deadly sword, hanging right over Drizzt's
vulnerable head. The drow lifted Twinkle to block.
And then a hammer twirled in end over end to slam hard into the balor, accompanied by the hearty call
of "Tempus!"
Without fear, Kierstaad rushed into the cave, skidding right through the breach in Errtu's flames caused
by Drizzt's scimitar, skidding right into the face of the tanar'ri, and howling for Aegis-fang all the way.
Kierstaad knew the hammer's legend, knew that it would return to his hands.
But it didn't. It was gone from the ground near the fiend, but
for some reason that Kierstaad did not understand, it had not materialized in his waiting hands.
"It should have come back!" he cried in protest, to Bruenor mostly, and then Kierstaad was flying,
slapped away by the fiend. He smacked hard into an ice mound, rolled off the thing and fell heavily,
groaning, to the slushy floor.
"It should have come back," he said once more, before his consciousness drifted away.
The thunder of the barbarian's hits shook the whole of the cave, so much so that a suddenly nervous
Errtu could not help but look back. And when the balor did, Drizzt Do'Urden struck hard.
Twinkle gashed against the fiend's calf, while Drizzt launched his other blade higher, aiming for Errtu's
groin. The scimitar's pointy tip dug in, and how Errtu howled! Again came that welcomed throbbing along
Drizzt's arm as the scimitar fed on the fiend's life force.
But the turn in the battle was temporary. Errtu quickly slapped Drizzt away, then disappeared, coming
back into view high among the icy fingers that hung down from the ceiling.
"Up, Bruenor," Drizzt called. "We have been given a reprieve, for Zaknafein will soon be among us."
The drow looked to the red-bearded dwarf as he spoke, and Bruenor had nearly wriggled his way out
of the hole.
Up Drizzt scrambled, up and ready, but something about the look that came over Bruenor's face as the
dwarf gazed to the side, weakened Drizzt's knees. He followed the dwarf's stare across the chamber, to
the ice wall, where he expected to see Zaknafein.
He saw Wulfgar instead, with unkempt, wild hair and beard, but Wulfgar no doubt, hoisting Aegis-fang
high and roaring with pure hatred.
"Me boy," was all the dwarf could whisper, and Bruenor slumped back into the hole.
Errtu went at Wulfgar hard, swooping in, his whip cracking and his sword blazing.
A hurled Aegis-fang nearly knocked the fiend from the air. Still the balor swept by, entangling Wulfgar's
ankles with his whip and tugging the man from the ledge to send him bouncing among the ice mounds of
the slushy floor.
"Wulfgar," Drizzt called out, and he winced as the man tumbled. It would take more than a fall to stop
the tormented Wulfgar, now that he was among his friends, now that he held his mighty hammer. Up he
sprang, roaring like some animal, and Aegis-fang, beautiful and solid Aegis-fang, was back in his hand.
Errtu went into a frenzy, determined to squash this minor uprising, to destroy all of Drizzt's friends, and
then the drow himself. Balls of darkness appeared in the air, obscuring Wulfgar's vision as he tried to line up another
throw. The fiend cracked his whip and zipped all about the cave, sometimes in swift flight, other times
calling upon magic to teleport himself from place to place.
The chaos was complete, and every time Drizzt tried to get to Bruenor, Wulfgar, or even to fallen
Kierstaad, there was Errtu, smacking him away. Always the drow parried the lightning sword, but each
hit jolted him and hurt him. And every time, before Drizzt could begin to counter, Errtu was gone, simply
gone, to wreak havoc in another part of the cave with another of the drow's friends.
Lightning simmered every time Errtu used that mighty sword. The rumbling of thunder and the fiend's
victorious roars were matched by the beating of great leathery wings, the roars of Wulfgar to his battle
god, and the cries of "Me boy!" from a wild-eyed, and still trapped Bruenor. Drizzt shouted, trying to
bring some semblance of order to his companions, some common strategy that might corner and at last
defeat wicked Errtu.
The fiend would have none of that. Errtu swooped and disappeared, struck fast and hard and was
simply gone. Sometimes the balor hung up high amidst the stalactites, using his fires to
loosen and drop the natural spikes at the companions scrambling below. Other times, Errtu had to come
down to keep them apart, and even with the balor's tremendous efforts, Drizzt wove his way stubbornly
toward Bruenor.
Wherever the fiend chose to appear, he could not remain in place and visible for very long. Even though
the quagmire continued to slow any moves the drow might try, and even though the dwarf remained stuck
in the stubborn crevice, the tormented prisoner, and his mighty hammer were always quick to the call. On
several occasions Errtu vanished just an instant before Aegis-fang slammed into the wall, marking the
spot where the fiend had been.
And so Errtu retained the upper hand, but in that craziness, the fiend could score no decisive hits.
It was time to win.
Bruenor was almost out of the crack, stuck by a single leg, when the mighty balor appeared, right behind
Drizzt, yelled out a warning, and purely on instinct, the dwarf whipped about, throwing himself as far into
the fiend as possible, grabbing the balor's leg, wrenching his own knee in the process. Errtu's sword
came swishing down, but Bruenor was in too close for it to cleave him. Still the dwarf was battered hard,
and the energy jolt nearly popped his knees out of joint, especially the twisted one.
Bruenor grabbed on all the harder, knowing he could not hurt the balor, but hoping he could keep the
fiend in place long enough for his friends to strike. His hair singed and his eyes stung as the fiend's fires
came up, but they were gone in an instant and Bruenor knew that Drizzt was nearby.
Errtu's whip cracked, slowing the drow's approach. Drizzt went in a complete spin to dodge, skidding
down to one knee, and he stumbled as he tried to get back to his feet.
The whip cracked again, but it could do little to slow the progress of twirling Aegis-fang. The hammer
caught the balor on the side, slamming Errtu back against the ice wall, and the fiend's respect for the man
that had been his prisoner soared. Errtu had been hit by Aegis-fang once already, when Kierstaad had
entered the fray, and so he understood the power of the weapon. But that first throw could not prepare
Errtu for the power that was Wulfgar. Kierstaad's throw had stung him; Wulfgar's had truly hurt.
In came Drizzt, but the balor lashed out hard with his foot, tearing Bruenor from the crevice and
launching the dwarf a dozen feet across the cave floor. The fiend used his magic to disappear
immediately, and Drizzt went sliding into empty wall.
"Fools!" the balor bellowed from the cave's exit. "I will retrieve the crystal shard and meet with you again
before you leave this sea. Know that you are doomed!"
Drizzt scrambled, Wulfgar tried to line up a parting shot, and even Bruenor worked hard to stagger back
to his feet, but none of them would get to Errtu in time.
The fiend turned away from them and started to fly off, but his surprise was complete, his momentum
fully halted, by a silver-streaking arrow that hit him right in the face.
Errtu howled and Wulfgar threw, the hammer smashing hard into the fiend, crushing bones.
Catti-brie let fly again, putting one right into his chest. The balor howled again and stumbled backward
into the cave.
Bruenor hobbled toward him, catching his axe as Drizzt tossed it to him. He reversed his grip to add to
the momentum of the throw and buried the many-notched blade deep into the fiend's backside.
Errtu howled and Catti-brie hit him again, right beside her last shot.
Drizzt was there, Twinkle striking hard. He plunged his other blade plunging deep into the fiend's side,
right under Errtu's arm as the fiend tried to lift his own sword to fend off the drow. Then Wulfgar was
there, pounding away beside his father. Catti-brie kept the exit blocked by a steady line of streaking
And Drizzt held on, leaving his gulping blade deep in the fiend's flesh, while Twinkle worked furiously,
cutting wound after wound.
With a last burst of energy, Errtu turned about, throwing off Bruenor and Wulfgar, but not Drizzt. The
mighty balor looked right into the drow's lavender eyes. Errtu was defeated-even then, the fiend could
feel his corporeal form beginning to melt away-but this time, the balor meant to take Drizzt Do'Urden
back to the abyss.
Up came the balor's sword and his free hand came across, accepting the sting as it connected with
Twinkle, moving the blocking weapon aside.
Drizzt had no defense. He let go of his embedded scimitar and tried to fall away. Too late.
The lightning flared along the blade's edge as it slashed toward the drow's head.
A strong hand shot out before the horrified drow's eyes and caught the fiend by the wrist, somehow
stopping the cut, somehow holding mighty Errtu at bay, the lightning weapon barely inches from the
target. Errtu glanced across to see Wulfgar, mighty Wulfgar, teeth clenched and muscles standing out like
steel cords. All the years of frustration were in that iron grip, all the horrors the young barbarian had
known were transformed then into sheer hatred for the fiend.
There was no way that Wulfgar, or any man, could hold back Errtu, but Wulfgar denied that logic, that
truth, with the stronger truth that he would not let Errtu hurt him anymore, would not let the fiend take
Drizzt from his side.
Errtu shook his half-canine, half-ape head in disbelief. It could not be!
And yet it was. Wulfgar held him, and soon, the balor was gone, in a waft of smoke and a wail of
Вот до чего дошло.
Надо смирится. Ваха здорово потеряла в силе и убертости после книжек "любителей SW". Теперь уже и примархи не супер и К'Тан не так круты. Надо исходить из того что есть и да, Яма может забить Найтбрингера времен Уриэля.
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А что не так в Солнце Прометея?
Примарх лавы боялся. И Император тоже.