Есть текст песни "Wake Up!" на английском. Никто не хочет попробовать себя в переводе?
いくぜShining! Running! Forever Let’s Go Shining! Running! Forever!
前へ突き進むのさ We have to push forward!
変わることのない絆はきっと Bonds that never change will surely
“夢の果て”照らし出す illuminate “the far end of our dreams”.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up heart beat!
We are the one! Go ahead!
Meaning: Don’t give up, friends will help you reach your goals
自由だけが羅針盤さ We are best friends Freedom’s our only compass! We are best friends
俺たちのルートこれからも 俺たちで切り開くぜ We’re the ones who’ll clear our own path from here on
全力疾走の日々は Go east, Go west On days where we’ll sprint with all we’ve got
次々見つかる やりたいこと全てクリアして we’ll find ‘em one by one, achieve all the things we want to do.
Meaning: Nothing’s keeping us back, we’ll do anything we want to do, clearing anything standing in our way.
朝が待ちきれなくて うずき出す(I can’t wait) I can’t wait for the morning, I’m aching to go,
それならいっそ 太陽 空へと If that’s how it is, then onwards: to the sun! The sky!
引きずり出してゴーインGO! Drag yourself up and go, go, go
Meaning: I can’t wait to leave, so get yourself together and go, all the way to ends of the earth.
そうさShining! Running! Forever That’s right! Shining! running! Forever!
夢のかけらひとつにかさね合わせ Combine the pieces of your dream into one.
グッときたらそれがTreasureさ If it feels right, then that’s your treasure
いくぜShining! Running! Forever Let’s Go Shining! Running! Forever!
前へ突き進むのさ We have to push forward!
変わることのない絆はきっと Bonds that never change will surely
“夢の果て”照らし出す illuminate “the far end of our dreams”.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up heart beat!
We are the one! Go ahead!
Meaning: Don’t give up, friends will help you reach your goals.
Luffy x Teach dialogue:
ティーチ「ゼハハハハァ!闇に飲まれろ、麦わら!」 Teach: “I’ll engulf you in the shadows, Strawhat!”
ルフィ「俺は負けねえ!ONE PIECEを手に入れて…海賊王に、俺はなる!」 Luffy: “You won’t beat me! I’m the guy who’ll find One Piece and become the King of Pirates!!”
Meaning: Teach wants Luffy to die, and Luffy wants to be the best like no one ever was.
乗り越える度ざわめく可能性(I can’t stay) Every challenge we surpass brings the possibility of thrills
明日も明後日も 熱く 激しい Tomorrow and the days beyond will form
ワクワクの連鎖だぜ! a powerful, passionate chain of excitement!
Meaning: Overcoming obstacles that come at us is what makes life interesting.
そうさ Shining! Running! Forever That’s right …
好奇心に任せて 想いのまま Leave it up to your curiosity, follow your emotions
目指す場所へ それがAdventure To the place you seek, that’s the adventure!
Meaning: Letting yourself follow your instincts, feelings to get to your objective is what it’s all about.
いくぜShining! Running! Forever Let’s Go Shining! Running! Forever!
心の地図広げて Spread open your heart’s map
チカラを秘めた絆はきっと and the power of your bonds will definitely
“夢の果て”掴み取る seize the “limits of our dreams”
Never! Never! Never! Never stop it!
We are the one! Go ahead!
Meaning: Let your feelings decide the path you take and with your friends, you’ll certainly be able to achieve anything.
Перевод диалога ЧБ и Луффи.
Тич: Моя тьма поглотит тебя, Мугивара! Луффи: Тебе меня не победить! Я тот, кто найдет One Piece и станет Королем Пиратов!
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